Posh Glam & Pristine

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#HowHolly: Entertaining with an Icy Machine

Hey Belle Hey-

Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year….

This time of year is a great time for DIYing and Parties especially outdoor parties. Since July is national ice cream month it pairs great with using our snow cone icy machine and the We R Memory Keepers Party Punch Board.

Total Belle Confession: This Party Board can sometimes be a little scary but…practice makes perfect.

One thing I love about the Cuisinart icy machine is that it comes with four plastic snow cone holders that are great for decorating to match any party.

To get started with customizing your snow cone holders you will need to grab your favorite scrapbook paper and select the measurements for the French Fry Cone on your Party Punch Board (the measurements are in gold at the top of your party punch board)

Once you have your cone wrapper cut out you can use washi tape to wrap the design around the snow cone holder. (Belle Tip: Washi Tape holds your design in place but is also easy for a quick removal to use another design)

After you have your snow cone holders ready you can begin making your snow…My favorite flavor is Nostagila Cherry but rainbow is great too. This snow cone machine has four side holders to place your snow cone holders while you get your snow and flavor just right.

What are you looking forward to this summer while entertaining…Comment Below

As Always,